BC Coroner's Act as it pertains to Emergency Medical Responders and First Responders in British Columbia.
As a Professional Medical Responder licensed through EMALB in the Province of British Columbia, you are subject to all the local rules and legislation, including BC Coroner's Act.
Section 5 of the Coroner's Act is the most relevant and pertinent to your duties as an Emergency Medical Responder or First Responder. This section stipulates that you must not move or interfere with a body in a way that might destroy evidence or disrupt the subsequent investigation. The exception to this is when you are taking measures to save a life or alleviate suffering.
tel: 778-724-9054 email: training@mediprofirstaid.com
We recognize and respectfully acknowledge that we operate on the traditional and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan and Secwepemc peoples.