BC EMALB EMR Exam Schedule
Upcoming schedule for EMALB practical scenario examinations as part of the Emergency Medical Responder Licensing evaluation process. BC EMALB routinely updates their policies and processes. All EMALB policies should be confirmed with BC EMALB directly.
Once you have completed your BC EMALB EMR Written and Jurisprudence exams online, through the BCeID Online Learning System, you will be eligible to schedule, attend and complete your BC EMALB EMR Practical Scenario Evaluations.
BC EMALB will usually contact you after you complete your EMR Written and Jurisprudence exams, and invite you to pick from their upcoming Practical Evaluation dates and locations. In some cases, you may be able to select and submit your preferred practical evaluation dates sooner within the process. EMALB schedules EMR Practical Scenario evaluations at different locations througout BC, on different dates throughout the year. You can view BC EMALB's list of scheduled EMR Practical evaluations before selecting your preferred date and location. You can either travel to the soonest upcoming Evaluation session, or you can wait for the next Session scheduled for a nearby location.
tel: 778-724-9054 email: training@mediprofirstaid.com
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