BC EMALB Application for Licence
BC EMALB Licence Application form for First Responder and EMR courses in Kelowna, BC. One of the final steps to obtaining your BC EMALB Licence, at the First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder level, is the submission of a BC EMALB online Application for Licence form.
BC EMALB routinely updates their policies and processes. All EMALB policies should be confirmed with BC EMALB directly.
There are separate forms, as well as separate form fields to select depending whether you are applying for an EMALB Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Licence, First Responder (FR) Licence, Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Licence, Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP) Licence, Critical Care Paramedic (CCP) Licence, or Infant Transport Team (ITT) Licence. As well there are separate form field options within "PART B: Licence Requested", depending on whether the level of Licensure for which you are applying is an Initial Licence, Licence Renewal, Licence Reintstatement, or Out of Province Licence Application.
Click the links below for the appropriate Licence Application Form, and follow the instructions to complete all the fields on the form itself. You should receive an automated confirmation email from EMALB immediately after you submit your online Application. Keep this email on your server, for time-stamped reference in case there are any miscommunications further along the process. BC EMALB will generally review your Application, and cross reference it with all the other Licensing requirements that you have already completed and/or submitted. Once EMALB confirms that you have completed all the requirements for the level of Licensure reflected in your Application, they will email you a PDF copy of your new BC EMALB First Responder or EMR Licence.
First Responder Applications
Emergency Medical Responder Applications
tel: 778-724-9054 email: training@mediprofirstaid.com
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