Medical Responder Equipment
Familiarization Guide
Download our Professional Medical Responder equipment familiarization guide for EMR and FR courses in Kelowna, BC.
The Professional Medical Responder Equipment Familiarization Guide will help orient you with some common tools and equipment utilized by Emergency Medical Responders and First Responders in British Columbia.
Arriving at your EMR or FR course with a working understanding of the equipment provided in your classroom response kits will help you make the most of your time in class.
Equipment Familiarization Guide contents:
- Pen Light
- Examination Gloves
- Pocket Mask (Resuscitation Mask)
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- Nebulizing Mask
- Nasal Canula
- Simple Mask
- Non-Rebreather Mask
- Oxygen Cylinder
- Oxygen Regulator
- Oxygen Wrench
- Entonox Regulator
- Kendrick Extrication Device (KED)
- Sager Traction Splint
- Clamshell Stretcher (Scoop Stretcher/Robertson Orothopedic Stretcher)
- Spine Board
- Spider Straps
- Hard Collar
- Head Pads
- Locking Forceps
- Pulse Oximeter
- Stethoscopes
- Blood Pressure Cuff (Sphygmomanometer)
- Blood Glucose Monitor
- Thermometer
- SAM Spling
- Speed Straps
- Glucose Gel
- Nitroglycerin Spray
- Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA)
- Tourniquet
- Oropharyngeal Airway (OPA)
- Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)
- Manual Suction
- Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
- Cling Gauze
- Crepe Roll
- Tensor Bandage
- Esmarch Bandage
- Triangular Bandage
- Steri-Strips
- Butterfly Bandages
- Burn Dressings
- Bulk Gauze
- Abdominal Pads
- Medical Tape
- Instant Cold Pack
- Instant Hot Pack
- Sterile Gauze
- Non-Stick Gauze
- Cotton Applicators
- Tongue Depressors
- Sterile Saline
- Drip Set
- Intravenous Fluid (IV Bag)
- Epinephrine
- Ventolin - Salbutamol
- Multi-Level (Ambulance) Stretcher
- Safety Glasses
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