Canadian Red Cross
Teaching Experience Supervisor Course (TES)
Teaching Experience Supervisor Course Summary
Course Registration |
TES Summary |
Eligibility Requirements |
Online Modules |
Canadian Red Cross Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) courses consist of interactive and learner-centered online modules, which are available any time and accessed through your active MyRC Instructor Profile. The Canadian Red Cross Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) designation is not a stand-alone Instructor certification, but rather an adjunct endorsement that Instructors can add to their existing certifications.
Completing the online Teaching Experience Supervisor course, and obtaining the corresponding TES Certification, allows Canadian Red Cross Instructors to perform some, but not all, of the instructional development responsibilities traditionally reserved for an Instructor-Trainer (I-T). Teaching Experience Supervisors play a crucial and rewarding roll in the support and mentorship of new Instructors and Instructor Candidates, and significantly contribute to the strength and credibility of the Canadian Red Cross Instructor programs.
Canadian Red Cross Instructor Mentorship
A Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) can conduct Formal Skill Assessments and complete the corresponding documentation, supervise new Instructor Candidates through their classroom Teaching Experience, complete and submit Teaching Experience Forms, and facilitate TES workshops for other Instructors to become TES certified themselves.
A TES must hold the appropriate and corresponding Instructor level Certification, commesurate with the candidate being supervised or evaluated. For example...
- A First Aid & CPR Instructor (FAI) with TES Certification could assess a new FAI candidate's First Aid skills, and/or supervise a new FAI candidate through their classroom Teaching Experience.
- The same FAI with TES would not be authorized to formally assess EMR skills, or supervise a new EMR Instructor candidate, unless they also hold EMRI Certification.
Once obtained, your Teaching Experience Supervisor certification becomes permanently "attached" to your existing Canadian Red Cross Instructor certification(s), and remains valid for as long as you maintain Instructor certification in at least one of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs Disciplines. You will not need to attend any additional recertification courses or components specifically to renew your TES endorsement.
TES Course Eligibility
Instructor Certification
Participation in a Canadian Red Cross Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) course requires current Instructor level certification in at least one of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs Disciplines. Examples include First Aid & CPR Instructor (FAI), Basic Life Support Instructor (BLSI), First Responder Instructor (FRI), Emergency Medical Responder Instructor (EMRI), and Advanced Wilderness First Aid Instructor (AWFAI).
Skills Evaluation
Participation in a Canadian Red Cross Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) course also requires successful completion of a formal Skills Evaluation, as facilitated by an existing, discipline-appropriate Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) or Instructor-Trainer (IT).
You will need to complete and submit a formal Skills Evaluation for each level of Instructor certification that you hold at the time of your online TES course. For example, if you are currently a First Repsonder Instructor and a Wilderness First Aid Instructor, you will need to complete a First Responder Skills Evaluation and a Wilderness First Aid Skills Evaluation.
If you have access to an existing Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) or Instructor-Trainer (IT), you may be able make arrangements with them to conduct your skill assessment locally. If you do not have access to a discipline-appropriate TES/IT, you can to make arrangments with Medi-Pro to conduct your skill assessment for you. Your supervising TES/IT will provide and complete the appropriate skill assessment forms, which you can then provide as part of your proof of eligibility for the TES course.
Online TES Course Modules
Once you have completed the registration process, including submission of your eligibility requirements, you will be able to access and complete the online Fundamentals of Instruction - Teaching Experience Supervisor course modules through your MyRC profile.
Once you activate and start your online TES course modules, you can work at your own pace, stopping and starting where you left off. Depending on your schedule, reading pace and familiarity with your Canadian Red Cross Instructor program resources, you may finish all the modules in one session, or complete single lessons at a time.
Completing the online Teaching Experience course modules is the final step in adding TES certification to your instructional portfolio. Upon completion of the online modules, you will be able to view, download and verify your new Teaching Experience Supervisor certificate in the "My Certifications" section of your MyRC profile.
- Welcome
- Navigation Part I
- Navigation Part II
- TES Pathway
- Required Materials
- Instructional Tasks
- Recap of Instructor Modules
The Teaching Experience
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Service Learning
- The Teaching Experience
- Test Your Knowledge
- Teaching Experience Process
Foundations of Being a TES
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Role of the TES
- Standards of Behaviour
- Professional Behaviours
- Fundamental Principles
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Who is the Instructor Candidate?
- Adult Learners
- What Would You Do?
- A Teachable Moment
- Factors Affecting Learning
- Match the Factor
- Establish a Relationship
- Step One - Connect with the Instructor Candidate
- Facilitation Charter and Course Details Checklist
- Facilitation vs Group Charter
- Step Two - Complete Pre-Course Tasks
- Plan a Course and Lesson Plans
- Prepare Teaching Aids
- Create a Safe Learning Environment
- Match the Task
- Organizational Strategies
- Step Three - Reconnect with the Candidate
- Candidate Lesson Plan
- What Would You Do?
- Check-In Timeline
During Course 1: Supporting the Instructor Candidate
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Recap: Feedback Between Co-Facilitators
- Anatomy of a Message
- Seeking Clarification
- Just to Clarify
- Coaching
- Coaching Roles
- Benefits of Coaching
- Standards vs Practice
- What Would You Do?
- A Teachable Moment
- Additional Teachable Moments
During Course 2: Assessment and Evaluation
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Completion Criteria - Pre-Course Tasks
- Completion Criteria - During-Course Tasks
- Wilderness Teaching Experience Considerations
- Team Teaching
- Test Your Knowledge
- Personal Check-Ins with Instructor Candidates
- How to Address an Unsuccessful Candidate
- The Conversation
- After the Conversation
- Documentation
- Teaching Experience Form
- Privacy and Legislation
Post Course Tasks and Responsibilities
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Post-Course Professional Relationship
- Administrative Paperwork
- Reflection of Practice
- TES Certification - Next Steps
- TES Certification - Maintenance and Growth
Skills Evaluation Session
- Introduction & Learning Objectives
- Skill Evaluation Considerations
- Setting Expectations
- Congratulations!
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