Emergency Care for Professional Responders
The Canadian Red Cross Emergency Care for Professional Responders reference manual is a vital resource for Emergency Medical Responder and First Responder course participants in Kelowna, BC. Emergency Care for Professional Responders is a 453 page, full-color text book with a red and white soft cover. The Canadian Red Cross Emergency Care for Professional Responders text book is available as a downloadable PDF, and in printed edition for Emergency Medical Responder, First Responder, and Wilderness First Responder students in Canadian Red Cross Emergency Medical Responder courses, EMR Bridge courses, EMR Recertification courses, First Responder courses, and First Responder Recertification courses.
A printed classroom copy of the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Care for Professional Responders reference manual is provided for reference during in-class activities, and your registration in any of the Professional Medical Responder programs courses listed above includes online access to a PDF copy of the text book. You can download a PDF copy of the Emergency Care for Professional Responders text book for free, and keep it stored for quick, easy access on your computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone. You also have the option to purchase your own take-home copy of the text book when you register for any EMR or First Responder course.
Emergency Care Manual Contents:
1. The Professional Responder
- Professional Responder Training Levels
- Preceptorship
- Medical Oversight
- Communicating with the Medical Director
- Professional Responder Responsibilities
- Interpersonal Communication
- Self-Care
- Critical Incident Stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Legal and Ethical Issues
- Duty to Act
- Scope of Practice
- Abuse and Neglect
- Consent
- Refusal of Care
- Transfer of Care
- Documentation
- Communication
- Medical Terminology
2. Responding to the Call
- Preparing for the Emergency
- Response
- Equipment
- Plan of Action
- Communications
- Training
- Psychological Preparation
- Managing Hazards at the Emergency Scene
- Personal Safety
- Safety of Others
- Special Emergency Scenes
- Specific Scene Hazards
3. Infection Prevention and Control
- How Infections Occur
- Disease-Causing Pathogens
- How Diseases are Transmitted
- Epidemics and Pandemics
- Diseases that Cause Concern
- Immunization
- Preventing Disease Transmission
- Personal Hygeine
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Engineering and Work Practice Controls
- Cleaning and Disinfecting Equipment
- Spill Management
- Exposure Control Plans
- If an Exposure Occurs
4. Anatomy and Physiology
- Anatomical Terminology
- Body Cavities
- Body Systems
- The Cell
- Respiratory System
- Circulatory System
- Lymphatic System
- Immunological System
- Nervous System
- Musculoskeletal System
- Integumentary System
- Endocrine System
- Digestive System
- Genitourinary System
- Interrelationships of Body Systems
- How Injuries Occur
5. Assessment
- Scene Assessment
- Primary Assessment
- Reassessment
- Secondary Assessment
- Treatment/Interventions
- Documentation of Findings
- Ongoing Assessment
6. Airway Management and Respiratory Emergencies
- Respiratory Pathophysiology
- Airway Obstruction
- Respiratory Conditions
- Assisted Ventilation
- Resuscitation Devices
- Resuscitation Masks
- Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM) Rescusitators
- Supplemental Oxygen
- Airway Adjuncts
- Oropharyngeal Airways
- Nasopharyngeal Airways
- Supraglottic Airways
- Suction
- Care for Respiratory Distress
- Care for Respiratory Arrest
7. Circulatory Emergencies
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Angina
- Myocardial Infarction (MI)
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Cardiac Arrest
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Compressions
- Team Approach
- Using a Defibrillator
- Special Resusciation Situations
- Post-Cardiac Arrest Care
- Cerbrovascular Accident (Stroke)
- Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
- CVA Assessment Scales
8. Shock
- Pathophysiology of Shock
- Types of Shock
- Stages of Shock
- Care for Shock
9. Hemorrhage and Soft Tissue Trauma
- Infection
- Dressings and Bandages
- Stitches and Sutures
- Tourniquets
- External Bleeding
- Internal Bleeding
- Open Wounds
- Closed Wounds
- Burns
- Major Soft Tissue Trauma
10. Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Types of Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Splints
- Slings
- Signs and Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Upper Extremity Injuries
- Lower Extremity Injuries
11. Chest, Abdominal and Pelvic Injuries
- Chest Injuries
- Rib Fractures
- Hemothorax
- Pneumothorax
- Subcutaneous Emphysema (SCE)
- Penetrating Chest Injuries
- Abdominal Injuries
- Evisceration
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
- Pelvic Injuries
- Pelvic Binding
- Genital Injuries
12. Head and Spinal Injuries
- Mechanism of Injury for Head and Spinal Injuries
- Head Injuries
- Skull Fractures
- Objects Impaled in the Skull
- Injuries to the Brain
- Cerebral Hematoma
- Spinal Injuries
- Spinal Motion Restriction (SMR)
- Care for Serious Head and Spinal Injuries
- Rapid Extrication
- Removing Helmets and Other Equipment
13. Acute and Chronic Illnesses
- Altered Mental Status
- Syncope
- Diabetic Emergencies
- Seizures
- Types of Seizures
- Epilepsy
- Peritonitis
- Appendicitis
- Bowel Obstruction
- Gastroenteritis
- Kidney Stones
- Peptic Ulcers
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GI)
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
14. Poisoning
- Poison Control Centres
- Recognizing Poisoning
- General Care for Poisoning Emergencies
- Ingested Poisons
- Inhaled Poisons
- Absorbed Poisons
- Injected Poisons
- Substance Misuse and Abuse
- Crowd Management Agents
15. Environmental Illnesses
- Temperature Homeostasis
- Heat-Related Illness
- Heat Cramps
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heat Stroke
- Cold-Related Illness
- Hypothermia
- Frost Nip
- Frostbite
- Drowning
- Cold-Water Immersion and Drowning
- High-Altitude Illness
- SCUBA-Related Illness
- Physiology
- Barotrauma of Descent
- Barotrauma of Ascent
16. Pregnancy, Labour, and Delivery
- Pregnancy
- The Birth Process
- Assessing Labour
- The Labour Process
- Preparing for Delivery
- Assisting with Delivery
- Caring for the Neonate and Mother
- Care and Assessment for the Neonate
- Caring for the Mother
- Midwives and Home Births
- Complications during Pregnancy
- Spontaneous Abortion
- Premature Labour
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Third Trimester Bleeding
- Complications During Childbirth
- Prolapsed Cord
- Breech Birth
- Limb Presentation
- Multiple Births
17. Special Populations
- Pediatric Patients
- Stages of Development
- Anatomical and Physiological Differences
- Assessing the Pediatric Patient
- Other Pediatric Conditions
- Geriatric Patients
- Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
- Osteoporosis
- Bariatric Patients
- Palliative Patients
- Patients with Disabilities
18. Crisis Intervention
- Psychological Crisis
- Suicide
- Assault
- Death and Dying
- Mental Health Crises
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Psychosis
19. Reaching, Lifting, and Extricating Patients
- Gaining Entry to Buildings
- Motor Vehicles
- Stabilizing Vehicles
- Accessing the Patient
- Moving Patients
- Body Mechanics
- Stretchers and Lifting Devices
- Lifting and Moving a Stretcher
- Bariatric Patients
20. Transportation
- Emergency Vehicle Maintenance and Safety Check
- Removing a Vehicle from Service
- Beginning and Ending a Shift
- Safe Vehicle Operation
- Air Medical Transportation
- Patient Considerations
- Landing Site Preparation
- Ground Safety Precautions
- Medical Evacuation from a Ship
- Preparing the Patient for Transfer
21. Multiple Casualty Incidents
- Organizing Resources
- Caring for the Ill or Injured
- Triage
- CBRNE Emergencies
- Types of Agents
- Methods of Dissemination
- Scene Assessment
- Establishing Perimeters
- Triage in a CBRNE Incident
- Control of Contaminated Casualties
- Transporting CBRNE Patients
- Psychological Impact of CBRNE Events
22. Pharmacology
- Assisting with Medication vs Administering
- Six Rights of Medication
- Pharmacological Terminology
- Routes of Drug Administration
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacodynamics
- Intravenous (IV) Therapy Maintenance
- Preparing a Drip Set and Solution
- Calculating IV Flow Rates
- Changing an IV Bag
- Complications
- Discontinuing an IV Bag
- How to Administer Medication Intranasally
- Guidelines for Injections
- Disinfection
23. Marine Environment
- Maritime Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (MOHS)
- Sterilization Techniques
- Managing Dangers at the Scene
- Toxicological Hazards on Board a Ship
- Psychological Well-Being of Seafarers
- Medical Care of Rescued Persons
- Radio Medical Advice
- Transfer and Transport
- Marine Pharmacology
- Medications and Health Supplies Carried on Board
- Drugs Requiring Medical Advice
24. Workplace
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Advanced First Aid Attendant
- Responsibilities of the Employer and Other Employees
- Return-to-Work Protocol
- Workplace First Aid Equipment
- Workplace First Aid Transportation
- Regulations and Documentation
- Workplace Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
- Documentation
- Typical Workplace Injuries
- Workplace Injuries
- Appendix A: Abbreviations for Documentation
- Appendix B: Sample Ambulance Equipment List
- Appendix C: The Phonetic Alphabet
- Appendix D: Medical Terminology
How to Download a Free Copy
After you have completed a Canadian Red Cross EMR or First Responder course, your name will be added and uploaded to a corresponding course roster on the Canadian Red Cross MyRC platform. This will activate your access to the Emergency Care for Professional Responders manual through your online MyRC Profile at myrc.redcross.ca.
Click here for instructions on how to create your MyRC profile if you haven't done so already, then follow the steps below to access and download the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Care for Professional Responders reference manual.
- Create and/or login to your Canadian Red Cross MyRC Profile.
- Click the "My Profile" tab
- Click the "My Digital Books" tab
- Click "Emergency Care for Professional Responders" from the corresponding list of links
- View and/or download the PDF file that opens from your web browser
You will also get access to download a copy through the links received by email after course registration.
tel: 778-724-9054 email: training@mediprofirstaid.com
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