Download and complete our First Responder Study Guide to help prepare you for First Responder courses in Kelowna, BC.
The First Responder Study Guide has been developed to help prepare you for success and enjoyment in your Canadian Red Cross First Responder course.
Completing the FR Study Guide before starting your First Responder course will help make sure you arrive familiar with the information and resources available to you.
Your First Responder course classroom sessions will center primarily on physical skills and hands-on practice and application, so the Study Guide will also help ensure that you have the background information and theory needed.
First Responder Study Guide Sections:
- Section A: Text Book Corrections
- Section B: Certification and Licensing
- Section C: BC EMALB
- Section 1: The Professional Responder
- Section 2: Responding to the Call
- Section 3: Infection Prevention and Control
- Section 4: Anatomy and Physiology
- Section 5: Assessment
- Section 6: Airway Management and Respiratory Emergencies
- Section 7: Circluatory Emergencies
- Section 8: Shock
- Section 9: Hemorrhage and Soft Tissue Trauma
- Section 10: Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Section 11: Chest, Abdominal and Pelvic Injuries
- Section 12: Head and Spinal Injuries
- Section 13: Acute and Chronic Illness
- Section 14: Poisoning
- Section 15: Environmental Illnesses
- Section 16: Pregnancy, Labour, and Delivery
- Section 17: Special Populations
- Section 18: Crisis Intervention
- Section 19: Reaching, Lifting, and Extricating Patients
- Section 20: Transportation
- Section 21: Multiple Casualty Incidents
- Section 22: Pharmacology
- Section 23: Marine Environment
- Section 24: Workplace
When should you have the First Responder Study Guide completed?
Ideally, you should have the entire Study Guide completed before the first in-class session of your First Responder course.
If that is not possible, you can use the schedule below to see which specific sections of this Study Guide are of particular relevance during each in-class session. It is not recommended to wait until the night before each session to begin the appropriate Study Guide sections, as the amount of time required to complete those sections will be more than a single evening.
Classroom Session 1: Sections A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 19.
Classroom Session 2: Sections 6, 7, and 22.
Classroom Session 3: Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, B, and C.
Online Resources
There are two significant sources of information and FR protocols for First Responders training and practicing in British Columbia. The Canadian Red Cross provides you with a Nationally recognized First Responder Program and Certification, following the content in the Emergency Care for Professional Responders reference manual. BC EMALB has jurisdiction over Provincial First Responder Licensing in BC, and your EMALB FR Licensing Evaluations are included with your First Responder course.
Downloads & Printouts
Web-Based Resources
- Emergency Medical Health Assistant's Regulation
- Emergency Health Services Regulation
- Emergency Health Services Act
- NOCP (National Occupational Competency Profiles)
- BC Gunshot and Stab Wound Disclosure Requirements
- Gunshot and Stab Wound Disclosure Act
- Coroner's Act
- Mental Health Act
- Good Samaritan Act
- BC EMALB Website
- Applicant Guide to BC Jurisprudence Exam
- EMALB Application for Licence
- BCeID Profile Platform
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