Canadian Red Cross Youth Leader Course
Youth Leader Course Registration for Existing Canadian Red Cross Instructors
- Login to your existing Canadian Red Cross MyRC Profile
- Click "My Profile" from the tab selection
- Click "My Updates" from the corresponding dropdown list
- Scroll to the "Youth Leader Online Course" section of the corresponding page
- Click the appropriate link within that section to complete registration and payment through the MyRC platform
Youth Leader Course Summary
Course Registration |
Course Summary |
Online Modules |
Teaching Experience |
Youth Leader Recertification |
The Canadian Red Cross Youth Leader Transfer (online) course consists of interactive and learner-centered online modules, which are available to you any time and accessed through your active MyRC Instructor Profile. Completing the online Youth Leader course allows you to facilitate the Youth Leadership courses within the Canadian Red First Aid Programs Youth Leader Discipline. Youth Leaders play a crucial and rewarding roll in introducing children and youth to responsibility, self-sufficiency, and the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs.
Participation in a Canadian Red Cross Youth Leader course requires Instructor level certification in at least one of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs Disciplines, or current Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid certification with CPR level C.
If you are already certified as an Instructor in any of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs Disciplines, completion of these Youth Leader online modules through your active MyRC profile is all that's required. If you are not currently a Canadian Red Cross Instructor, you will need to purchase a complete Youth Leadership course package which will include the printed materials as well as access to the online modules themselves. In this case you will also need to complete the Teaching Experience portion of your Youth Leader development program, before receiving Youth Leader certification.
Canadian Red Cross Youth Leadership Programs
A Youth Leader can facilitate Canadian Red Cross Babysitting courses and Canadian Red Cross Stay Safe courses. Both courses can be delivered in either a traditional classroom format, or an online virtual classroom format.
If you are not currently a Canadian Red Cross Instructor, your Youth Leader certification is valid for 3 years, at which point you must renew your Standard First Aid certification and attend a Youth Leader Recertification workshop.
If you are currently a Canadian Red Cross Instructor, your Youth Leader certification becomes permanently "attached" to your existing Canadian Red Cross Instructor certification(s), and remains valid for as long as you maintain Instructor certification in at least one of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs Disciplines. You will not need to attend any additional recertification courses to renew your Youth Leader endorsement.
Youth Leader Course Materials
Youth Leader Online Course Modules
Once you have completed the registration process, including submission of your eligibility requirements, you will be able to access and complete the online Fundamentals of Instruction - Youth Leader course modules through your MyRC profile.
The online Youth Leader course modules are interactive, self-directed and learner centered. Once started, you can move through the modules at your own pace, and re-start where you left off on as suits your schedule and personal learning style.
You can also access any of the modules you've already completed if you want to review a particular concept or verify a specific piece of information.
How to Access the Modules (after registration)
- Sign in to your MyRC profile at
(Click here for instructions on setting up your MyRC Profile for the first time, if you haven't done so already) - Sign in with your email and password
- Click the "My Profile" tab ... then select "My Online Courses" from the corresponding drop-down menu
- Click "Activate" next to the online Youth Leader course module
- Verify your preferred language
- Click "Enter Course"
- Move through and complete the online Modules at your own pace
- You can close your browser any time, and restart where you left off later
- Welcome
- A message from the Director of First Aid
- Navigation Part I
- Navigation Part II
- Youth Leader Pathway
- Required Materials
- Instructional Tasks
Module 1 - Foundations of Being a Youth Leader
- Introduction
- Learning Objectives
- Canadian Red Cross First Aid Program Standards
- Standards of Behaviour
- The Context for Canadian Red Cross First Aid Education
- Principles of First Aid Instruction
- History of the Red Cross
- The Fundamental Principles
- Match the Fundamental Principle
- Principles in Action
- How We Help
Module 2 - Pre-Course: Lesson Planning
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Course Plan
- Lesson Plan
- Lesson Plan Components
- Lesson Plan Activity
- Using Boulevard
- Review Your Plan
- CRC Support and Resources
Module 3 - Pre-Course: Learning Considerations
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Types of Adaptations
- Accommodation or Modification
- Factors Affecting Learning
- Age Characteristics
- Infant and Toddler
- Early Childhood
- Middle to Late Childhood
- Adolescent
- Participants with Diverse Abilities
- Participants Who Require Accommodation When Reading
- Participants Who Require Accommodation with Vision or When Physically Moving
- Participants Who Require Accommodation with Tasks Involving Hearing
- Participants Who Speak English as a Second Language
- Multicultural Classrooms
- How Can You Accommodate?
Module 4 - Pre-Course: Preparing Your Classroom and Creating a Safe Learning Environment
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Teaching Aids
- Using Technology
- First Aid App
- Organizing Your Teaching Aids
- Potential Hazards in the Classroom
- Creating a Safe Learning Environment
- Classroom Formations
Module 5 - During Course: Starting a Course and Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Check-Ins
- Start with an Introduction
- Establishing Learning Expectations
- Injury Prevention Culture
- Safe Psychological Environment
- The Value of a Group Charter
- Respect in the Classroom
- You're Responsible
- Protecting the Physical Learning Environment
- Protecting the Psychological Learning Environment
- Additional Support
- Responding to a Disclosure
- Steps to Intervention
- Response Techniques
- Checklist for Reporting Disclosures
- Impact of Language
- Correct the Phrase
Module 6 - During Course: Teaching Lessons Part I - Instructional Techniques
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Considerations When Choosing an Instructional Technique
- Instructional Techniques Part I
- Select the Appropriate Instructional Technique I
- Instructional Techniques Part II
- Select the Appropriate Instructional Technique II
- Instructional Techniques Part III
- Select the Appropriate Instructional Technique III
- Self-Reflection
- Involve and Inspire
- Skill Demonstrations
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Experiential Learning
- A Closer Look at Scenarios
- Scenario Timeline
- Scenario Activity
Module 7: During Course - Teaching Lessons Part II - Communication, Assessment, and Evaluation
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Communication: Test Your Knowledge
- Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Strategies
- Introduction to Feedback
- Feedback Activity
- Feedback Tips
- Active Listening
- Perception Checks
- Reinforce Key Points
- General Strategies for Asking Questions
- Responding to a Participant
- Recap on How to Respond
- Conflict Definition
- Conflict Resolution
- Identifying Participants' Signals
- Adapting the Instructional Approach
- Changing the Complexity
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Evaluation Criteria
- Closing a Course
- Check-Out
Module 8: Post-Course - Tasks and Responsibilities
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Cleaning Teaching Aids
- Administrative Paperwork
- Program Questions
- Reflecting on Professional Practice
- Youth Leader Certification: Next Steps
- Youth Leader Certification: Maintenance and Growth
- Red Cross Programs and Services
Module 9: Youth Leader Teaching Experience
- Introduction
- Learning Objective
- Recap of the Fundamentals of Instruction
- Step One - Connect with the TES
- Establish a Facilitation Charter
- Discuss Course Details
- Step Two - Complete Pre-Course Tasks
- Plan Your Course and Lessons
- Prepare Content and Teaching Aids
- Establish a Safe Learning Environment
- Step Three - Reconnect with the TES
- Check-In Timeline
- Feedback Between Co-Facilitators
- Next Steps
- Quick Recap
- Congratulations!
Teaching Experience
The final component of your Canadian Red Cross Youth Leadership certification involves preparing for and completing your Teaching Experience
This includes creating a Babysitting/Stay Safe course Lesson Plan, and teaching the complete course under the supervision and mentorship of a Canadian Red Cross Instructor-Trainer or TES. You will have one year from when you start your online course modules to complete the corresponding Teaching Experience component.
If you are already a Canadian Red Cross First Aid Programs Instructor, you do not need to complete a Teaching Experience for Youth Leader certification.
Lesson Plan
The first step in preparing for your Teaching Experience is creating a complete Lesson Plan for a Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course or Stay Safe course. As you develop and complete your Lesson Plan, you can utilize all the Canadian Red Cross Youth Leadship resources, including your Youth Leader course package materials, the Canadian Red Cross Instructor Boulevard platform, and the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Mobile App
Instructor Boulevard
The "Boulevard" Lesson Plan Generator platform is an important component of your Youth Leader certification course, and a vital tool for your ongoing development as a Canadian Red Cross Youth Leader. Through the Canadian Red Cross web-based Instructor Boulevard system, you will be able to create and/or access...
- Youth Leadership course Lesson Plans
- Youth Leadership course Slideshows
- Youth Leadership course course Videos
- Youth Leadership course Activities
- Suggested timelines for Youth Leadership courses
- Ongoing updates and guidelines for Youth Leadership course content
Lesson Plan Approval
Once you have finished your Lesson Plan, you will submit the completed plan to your assigned supervising Instructor-Trainer or TES for review and approval. Your supervising I-T/TES may provide feedback aht includes suggestions for revision or adjustment to your Lesson Plan prior to final approval.
After making any required changes, you will re-submit your Lesson Plan for further review. You will need to receive final approval of your completed Lesson Plan from your supervising I-T/TES before scheduling the classroom component of the Teaching Experience.
Schedule Teaching Experience
Once your Babysitting/Stay Safe course Lesson Plan has been approved by your supervising I-T/TES, you can start the process of scheduling a specific course date to complete your in-class Teaching Experience. If you do not have local access to an existing TES/IT willing to supervise your Teaching Experience, you can make arrangements with Medi-Pro to facilitate your Teaching Experience. This will incur a cost over and above the price of your Youth Leader course itself.
You will need to send an email to with a list of your preferred dates to arrange a Babysitting/Stay Safe course. It will be up to you to find course participants and ensure their availability for your Babysitting/Stay Safe course. It will also be your responsibility to collect any course fees you plan to charge the participants, and cover the costs of the participant materials. Select and send your top 3 preferred course dates, and Medi-Pro will make every effort to accommodate you on at least one of the 3 dates. You will need to select course dates that are at least one month ahead of your request. Medi-Pro will reply to your email to confirm the Babysitting/Stay Safe course date that can accommodate your Teaching Experience, as well as the name and contact information of your assigned supervising I-T/TES.
Pre-Course Responsibilities
After you have selected and confirmed a specific Babysitting/Stay Safe course date and location for your Teaching Experience, you will need to communicate with your assigned supervising Instructor-Trainer/TES to establish and complete your Pre-Course responsibilities. Your pre-Course Teaching Experience responsibilities, tasks and communications to coordinated and confirmed with your assigned I-T/TES include...
- Complete a Facilitation Charter.
- Complete a Classroom Details Checklist.
- Establish and prepare your assigned Teaching Experience Skill #1 lesson topic
- Establish and prepare your assigned Teaching Experience Skill #2 lesson topic
- Establish and prepare your assigned Teaching Experience Knowledge #1 lesson topic
- Establish and prepare your assigned Teaching Experience Knowledge #2 lesson topic
- Prepare and organize all relevant teaching aides and course paperwork
- Establish parameters to create a safe learning environment
Classroom Teaching Experience
The next step in completing the Teaching Experience component of your Youth Leader certification is teaching an actual Babysitting/Stay Safe course under the supervision of a qualified Canadian Red Cross Instructor-Trainer (I-T) or Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES). Your Classroom Teaching Experience responsibilities, to be conducted under the supervision of your assigned I-T/TES include...
- Start a course
- Maintain a safe learning environment
- Adhere to the Canadian Red Cross Standards of Behaviour.
- Teach your assigned Teaching Experience Skill #1 lesson topic
- Teach your assigned Teaching Experience Skill #2 lesson topic
- Teach your assigned Teaching Experience Knowledge #1 lesson topic
- Teach your assigned Teaching Experience Knowledge #2 lesson topic
- Assess participants, providing feedback and additional instruction as required
- Adapt instructional approach to meet specific learner needs
- Resolve conflict (if applicable)
- Evaluate participants
- Close a Emergency Medical Responder course
- Decontaminate teaching aides
- Complete and file/submit all relevant course paperwork
Teaching Experience Form
The final step in the Teaching Experience component of your Youth Leader certification is to ensure your Teaching Experience form is completely and accurately filled out, and submit the form to the Instructor Development Center that hosted your Youth Leader training. You will meet with your assigned Instructor-Trainer (I-T) or Teaching Experience Supervisor (TES) after finishing the classroom Teaching Experience, to review and complete your Teaching Experience form...
- Complete the Reflection assignment on your Teaching Experience form
- Ensure that you and your I-T/TES have completed all the required and appropriate sections of your Teaching Experience form
- Ensure that you and your I-T/TES have signed and dated all the required and appropriate sections of your Teaching Experience form
- Scan the completed Teaching Experience form and send the corresponding PDF file as an attachment to your assigned Instructor Development Center.
- Once you have scanned and emailed your completed Teaching Experience form, the Instructor Development Center will review the form for accuracy and completion.
Youth Leader Certification
After confirming that the form is complete and accurate, Medi-Pro will finalize your Youth Leader certification through your MyRC Profile, and notify you by email when this has been done. At that point, you will be able to access and download your Instructor Certificate through the "My Certificates" section of your own MyRC Profile. Your Canadian Red Cross Youth Leader certificate will be valid for 3 years. This is based on the start date of your Youth Leader course, not the date of your Teaching Experience.
Youth Leader Recertification
Your Canadian Red Cross Youth Leader certification must be renewed every 3 years or it will lapse into expiry.
If you hold Canadian Red Cross First Aid Program Instructor certifications in another Discipline such as Core First Aid, Professional Responder or Wilderness First Aid, you will need to recertify those every 3 years as well. If you complete the "Hub Component" of the Instructor Recertification course as a Core, Professional Responder, or Wilderness Instructor your Youth Leader certification is automatically renewed at the same time, and will follow the same 3 year certification cycle.
If you do not hold Canadian Red Cross Instructor certification in the Core, Professional Responder, or Wilderness Disciplines (or if you do not complete Hub Component of the corresponding Instructor Recertification course) you will need to complete the standalone Youth Leader Recertification course. The Youth Leader Recertifcation course is a self-directed series of online modules which you can access and move through at your own pace and schedule.
However, you do need to ensure that you successfully complete all the Youth Leader Recertification modules prior to the expiration date of your Youth Leader certificate. If your Youth Leader certificate expires before you complete the Recertification process, you will need to request a Grace Period or Extension from the Canadian Red Cross.
Youth Leader Recertification Course Registration
- Login to your existing Canadian Red Cross MyRC Profile
- Click "My Profile" from the tab selection
- Click "My Updates" from the corresponding dropdown list
- Scroll to the "Youth Leader Online Recertification" section of the corresponding page
- Click the appropriate link within that section to complete registration and payment through the MyRC platform